Sophie's StudioGDPR Data Protection Policies
This audit is written in accordance with the new Data Protection guidelines issued May 2018
~ Sophie's Studio would like to assure all customers that their personal data is shared only with necessary Sophie's Studio faculty members to ensure students' utmost safety at all times. All SS staff members have been made aware of any changes to GDPR privacy policies in relation to Sophie's Studio implemented as of the 25th May 2018
~ Sophie's Studio professionals are provided with a list of In Case Of Emergency contact numbers. Each dance professional only has access to ICE details specifically for the students they teach. This is to ensure your child is taking class in the safest environment possible. ICE details are collated by Sophie's Studio Credit Control Department. ICE details are not shared with any other parties
~ Sophie's Studio DO NOT hold customer address details. If customers have signed up to the GoCardless direct debit payment scheme, in this instance address details are kept by GoCardless and not by Sophie's Studio​
~ All correspondence with Sophie, any SS faculty members and our SS Credit Control and Admin Department should be via email ONLY. This way, any information and correspondence is automatically archived and easily retrieved if necessary
~ Sophie's Studio only document DOBs for students who are selected to compete. This information is kept for competition entry purposes only. This information is collected from Parents / Guardians of said competitors and shared only with professional dance competition organisations where necessary, for the purpose of entering dancers into the correct age category and for no further reason
~ If Sophie's Studio have been provided with a contact number from a customer that becomes invalid, it is the customer's responsibility to contact SS with updated information so we can amend our records accordingly
~ Sophie's Studio hold signed copies of Parents / Guardians right to Sophie's Studio photography and videography of individual students used for business media use only. These signed agreements are kept in locked, class specific files. This information is not distributed.
~ Any electronic devices used by members of our SS faculty that hold customer data are kept locked with pass codes. Sophie's Studio customer information is never kept on any portable memory stick device
~ It is the customer's right to request any personal information provided to SS and to withdraw it as and when they wish to do so
~ Sophie's Studio will delete any information for students who decide to leave the dance school. No record of ex students will be held
~ All existing Sophie's Studio customers have been given the option to opt out of any further correspondence with Sophie's Studio. This is the decision and right of all SS customers but will result in important dance school information not being communicated, information such as : invoices, dance school news, audition opportunities, term dates etc
~ All existing Sophie's Studio customers have been made aware of the dance school's new GDPR Data Protection Policies by being sent a link to the new page on the Sophie's Studio website
~ New Sophie's Studio customers are given the option to opt out of any dance school correspondence on their initial New Starter Disclaimer Form
~ New customers are sent a link to the Sophie's Studio GDPR Data Protection Policies on their initial Are You Joining Us? email